Monday, September 7, 2009

What is poetry to me?

Poetry is freeing. It releases negativity from the mind of the writer, piecing that source of emotional energy into a plethora of harmonious words. A poem is a tonic for the soul—it can invoke an array of memories, either by writing it or reading it. The poet’s artistic masterpiece is the collaboration between written and spoken word—nothing is stronger than the words of the poet; the force of flowing words is unstoppable. Poetry is the gateway to a person’s conscience. Once that gate is opened, the pathway continues to grow longer and longer, deeper into the lived experiences and surreal dreams of the individual. It is an art, and I find it absolutely incredible to read—I can almost sense their passion existing in the ink resting in the shape of words on the paper of the collections I read. Poetry is the way I express my thoughts and experiences that lie shrouded in the mist of dawn, waiting for the sun to rouse them from their slumber inside me. Poetry is how I can remember things. It allows me to focus on the most intricate details of a moment or a feeling. Poetry is like the carbon molecule: it’s essential to life. It is essential to living. Living is essential to poetry.

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