Thursday, October 15, 2009

Villainous Villanelle's Vividness

After reflecting upon Tuesday’s class I had interesting thoughts about the Villanelle style of poetry which we explored so thoroughly. Before class I was privy to such knowledge; never had I written one. I have a lot of respect for those who can accomplish the feat. What captivated me most was the complexity of the rhyme schemes. There are so many variations of the rhyme, and the Villanelle has the potential to capture varying usages of couplet verse. One could say that the possibilities are made from equal parts of both infinity and fascination.

I am a big fan of rhyming and an even larger advocate for its usage in poetry. Although I have heard many people deem it as silly speech, rhyming is still a lost art, as archaic as Fresh Prince and Adidas sneakers; certainly worthy of a comeback. Oblique pairs are probably the most exciting genre of lyricism, such as when one rhymes “green” with “fiend.” It was once said that the holders of this technique grasp the world of poetry in their hands.

Perhaps further reflection will reveal similar success.

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