Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hail Assignment 5!!!

Going into this assignment, I was honestly pretty concerned. First of all, I'd been suffering writer's block and was having a hard time coming up with things that I really wanted to write about. Second, I'll admit that I'm not the biggest fan in the world of concrete poetry and word art. I've always felt like its kind of kitschy and cute- more like someone trying to make a clever joke than a serious or joyous statement.
I didn't really think about the assignment too much, and amazingly, wrote one of the first poems in a while outside of class. It was just something really short and random, but it got my creativity working again. I read it a few times, rewrote parts of it, translated it to English (because go figure, the inspiration was to write it in French...I'll be damned if I know how that happened)...and then suddenly I had an idea of what to write about for Assignment 5!! On an different subject than the previous poem, too! I tried to convey the movement of a leaf falling from a tree and drifting down to the ground on a breeze- hopefully that translates okay. I'm really excited, mainly because I feel like poetry tends to turn out better when it is spontaneous. Mine certainly is, because when I sit around and think up something to write about, it always comes across as EXTREMELY contrived and clunky (in my opinion).
The point is: much to my suprise, I really really like Assignment 5 and wish that we were workshopping these poems together. Anybody going to Poetry for Peace this afternoon?

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