Monday, October 12, 2009

Some comments on assignment five

I found assignment 5 to be a bit difficult, but also very rewarding. I used line breaks to give double meanings to lines and sentences. It was hard to write in a way that made sense, but also included certain ideas, themes, objects, and even wording that I wanted to add. I used to see line breaks as just something that happened in poetry, but I’ve learned in this class that line breaks can create rhythm, emphasis, and tension. But now, through this assignment, I’ve learned that line breaks can have a huge impact on the tone and even the meaning of a poem. By using line breaks a way similar to that of Matthea Harvey in her poem “Pity the Bathtub Its Forced Embrace of the Human Form” I was able to create two lenses in which one would view the poem. The first would be the literal dialogue of the first speaker, but the second would be communicated by the use of line breaks that helped create a new interpretation of what the speaker was saying. This created a covert “reality” in which only the reader and the character at the end would understand. This was an interesting assignment and I plan to use this technique in the future.

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