Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I too, found Assignment Five difficult but very rewarding.  I actually am a big fan of enjambment and unorthodox line breaks.  I think the rhythm and feel of the poem is the most interesting part. What I found to be most helpful while working on this exercise was reading my poem out loud.  I actually do this all the time for any of my writing, but I used it even more so with this poem.  Having to focus on the significance of your line breaks is much more difficult that simply using them as a metronome.  A lot of times, I find myself hitting the return button simply because I like the way it looks or it is the right amount of syllables.  Both of these reasons are legitimate and I don't think should be disregarded.  However, what was interesting about this assignment is that you really had to find a reason or deeper meaning behind the line breaks which deepened your poem some how.  
I was actually inspired by my own inability to choose a topic for this poem this week and wrote my poem on this dissatisfaction with my words and thoughts.  This is always the hardest part for me, coming up with a topic, but once you pick one you get flowing I find.  In this poem, I wrote about this frustration as I sat at my desk freaking out about what to write.  I tried to portray this stream of consciousness in my line breaks but also bring it together with a hidden meaning.  I also tried to have the tension rise and fall, and used the line breaks to help me with this several times.   

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