Monday, October 12, 2009

My Feelings on Line Play

I must admit working on Assignment #5, I have been thinking a lot about the use of lines in poems, and what my own personal preference is in their purpose in my poetry. Traditionally, I never really thought much about line breaks or line structure. To me line breaks had always been used to simply separate complete thoughts, sentences, or stanzas for one another. But now looking more closely at the uses of enjambment plays with line structure, and the overall shapes of pieces I find myself more and more interested in this aspect of a poem. Playing around with my poem for assignment #5, I have come to see firsthand that breaking lines in mid thought or sentence can be really effective in creating a surge of tension, quickening the pace of one’s poem, or just placing emphasis on certain words or speech. As surprising as it was for me to find out, I thought that it was very cool how isolating a word or phrase can drastically changes its meaning, or even make you question it. While, I still believe I need a lot more practice in utilizing this form of poetry, this assignment was very refreshing to me and once again seemed to remind me that poetry can truly take all forms and sizes.

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