Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I, like many others, really enjoyed learning about the Villanelles and Sonnets. I particularly liked the assignments that we had for Thursday in addition to the reading in “Rhymes Reason” about these two types of poetry I really thoroughly enjoyed the poems that we read. I know we didn’t really get to go over all of them or at least in great detail but I definitely enjoyed having the chance to read them all at least on my own. It is so interesting to me that just within one form of poetry there can be so much variation. The different forms can also be affectively used in order to highlight different points, which is also interesting to me. The fact that one technique can be used as a tool to emphasize contrasting elements just depending on HOW you use it is so cool. I’m really hoping to utilize what we’ve learned about these structures in future poems that I personally write and have already seen some great examples of these by my peers. As someone before me mentioned, I think later learning the intricacies and histories of these forms made it even more interesting. It’s pretty cool that the more you learn about something the better that it gets. It kind of makes reading poetry less like eating vegetables and more like eating dessert.

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