Monday, November 16, 2009

Review: Assignment 9

Slope Issue 25, Julie Carr.

This issue is a compellation of poetry by Julie Carr. I have never heard of Julie Carr, but find her style very interesting and new, her writing is very contemporary. This issue is only poems, and I have not heard of this journal before, but I know that it is pretty well known. In all the issues, there is a gallery, film, commentary and criticisms. The journals main page is very contemporary; it has just numbers, some big, and some small, in black white and grey. It is visually very interesting and captures the viewer right at the start. It looks reputable and expensive, as in there was hired designers to make the page and a team to design the web page. The format is unusual, but once you click on gallery, film, or archives, it is pretty standard and easy to navigate. At the beginning of the site, there is no indication on what exactly it is, except it says, “collected issues” underneath the title SLOPE. This issue is not special, but they are added and edited all the time and they have over 25 issues so far. In this issue, it is mostly poetry, some by different artists but the one I focused on was Julie Carr’s part of this issue. Even though there are 6 or 7 other poets who are published into this issue. The poems in this journal are mostly contemporary with the artists’ own styles shining through more than traditional technique or forms of writing. I think more of the contemporary poems we have read this semester would fit it, maybe even ours, such as our form assignment or the n+7 type of poetry because it is unconventional and a new way of writing. I am not sure a Shakespearian sonnet would fit so well in with the SLOPE journal. The writers who have been published many have written books or have had their works published in other magazines or articles. My favorite poem is the Nightingale Poem because it really seems to be relatable and it has tension and it is interesting. I did not really have a least favorite poem and there is a reason; I feel as if I connect and understand contemporary poems more, and I find them interesting, each in their own way, so I did not dislike one greatly. Since I do connect with writers like the ones who write in SLOPE I think I will read it again. I would feel honored to publish my poetry in this journal and I feel like one day it may fit in really well.

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