Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I have been trying to write a lot on my own. Using different styles to see what feels comfortable and what I can create, such as journaling, emphasizing random words from other works, listening to different kinds of music, to see what inspires me the most. I've also been going back through all of our class work and workshops before because I have really found those to be inspiring and well written by everyone. When I first signed up for this class I thought it would be more free write and handing in individual works but it has become more than that. I am surprised in a way how much the class has already opened my eyes and really challenged me. I was naive to the fact that there were so many different writing styles and how lots of them take a great deal of time to truly master. I guess it would be safe to say that this class has really broadened my view on poetry and made me analyze it more as I read it, really think about it; all it's parts and not just the words that make up the poem.

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